Victory over the Turks part 41
Another very great light has been extinguished too, or rather that brightly shining moon, the great achievement and pride of the East and the...
Victory over the Turks part 40
Then I let go the Emperor’s hand and . . . to the Empress … I again applied to his wrist … asphyxia....
Victory over the Turks part 39
Now the Emperor’s successor had already gone away secretly to the house set apart for him, seeing the Emperor’s … and hastened his going...
Victory over the Turks part 38
For Mary, acting like another Mary, though not sitting at his feet then, as the other did on that occasion, but up by his...
Victory over the Turks part 37
For the future all our outlook was in confusion and tempesttossed, our normal course of life was disturbed, and fear and danger hovered together...
Victory over the Turks part 36
For during this oppression he found a little refreshment in being moved, and the Empress contrived that he should have it continually, for she...
Victory over the Turks part 35
But, however that was, the Emperor was in a very bad state; for not even for a moment could he draw breath freely. He...
Victory over the Turks part 34
“What in the world is this disease which has attacked my breathing? for I should like to take a deep, full breath and get...
Victory over the Turks part 33
A year and a half had not passed after my father’s return from his expedition before a second terrible illness fell upon him, and...
Victory over the Turks part 32
And I think that men who lived then and associated with him must even now be marvelling at what was done then and think...