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Victory over the Turks part 25

And probably it existed even before my father’s time, but in secret; for the sect of the Bogomils is very clever in aping virtue....

Victory over the Turks part 24

On entering you would find the sanctuaries and monasteries to your left ; and on the right of the large sanctuary stood the grammar-school...

Victory over the Turks part 23

This was only in the power of the Onlv begotten Son, who for our sakes became man and lived this life here below for...

Victory over the Turks part 22

For as this church was on the highest spot in the city it stood out like a citadel. And the new city was laid...

Victory over the Turks part 21

And if anyone died, the same procedure took place, and the Emperor would be at the side of the dying man, and the priests...

Victory over the Turks part 20

On this occasion the vessel of light could be seen as the begetter of darkness and obscurity. But he could still see a little...

Victory over the Turks part 19

He had indeed sent scouts ahead to look round and see whether any enemies had come out foraging. The scouts met Masut already approaching...

Victory over the Turks part 18

Sultan’s bastard brotherOn the morrow the Emperor again interviewed the Sultan called Saisan and after completing the treaty with him in the usual manner,...

Victory over the Turks part 17

Turks in AsiaLater he halted in a suitable spot and with all his kin and a goodly number of soldiers on either side he...

Victory over the Turks part 16

Romans acting on the Emperor’s adviceOn hearing this the Emperor formed the army into two divisions and ordered one half to keep watch inside...

Bulgaria Private Tour


Ancient Egypt