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Victory over the Turks part 11

Now Bardas, the descendant of Burtzes, whilst following the road we have already mentioned, saw a strong body hastening to join Monolycus by crossing the bridge at Zompi, consequently he at once got under...

Victory over the Turks part 10

He found the fort, I mean Cedrea, full of spoil but did not waste any time over that for he was annoyed as huntsmen are when they lose the prey which was almost in...

Victory over the Turks part 9

For he knew from very long experience that the Turkish battle-order did not agree at all with that of other nations, for with them “shield did not rest upon shield, and helmet upon helmet...

Victory over the Turks part 8

In other matters I have declared my love for my father and by so doing have sharpened the spears and whetted the swords of the ill-disposed against myself, as all those know who are...

Victory over the Turks part 7

. . . and then we handle the war in a different way and endeavour to conquer the enemy without fighting. And the chief virtue of a general is to know how to obtain...

Victory over the Turks part 6

For these reasons he made for Nicomedia, as said, and taking with him all the soldiers he had, he billeted them in the villages close by so that the horses and beasts of burden...

Victory over the Turks part 5

Then he related to her all that had happened to the Turks and how in their desire for victory they had met with misfortune, and fancying themselves to be the masters had on the...

Victory over the Turks part 4

But although that Empress was afraid, her fear was for the Emperor lest an accident should befall him; and fear for herself came second. So on this occasion she did not do anything unworthy...

Victory over the Turks part 3

But when they had all assembled, he shifted his camp and quartered his army between the ridges of Olympus and of the mountains called Malagni and himself occupied Aër. The Empress meanwhile was lodging...

Victory over the Turks part 2

When they were all assembled he moved away from there with all his forces and occupied the fort of Lord George close to the lake outside Nicaea, and thence on to Nicaea. Then after...

Winter Cure