Victory over the Turks part 3


    But when they had all assembled, he shifted his camp and quartered his army between the ridges of Olympus and of the mountains called Malagni and himself occupied Aër. The Empress meanwhile was lodging at Principus, as from there she could more easily have news of the Emperor after his return to Lopadium. Directly the Emperor went to Aër, he sent the imperial galley to fetch her, firstly because he was always dreading the pain in his feet, and secondly through fear of his bosom enemies who were accompanying him, and thus he wanted her both for the extreme care she took of him, and for her most vigilant eye.

    Same position and unmoved

    II Three days had not yet passed before the attendant of the imperial bedchamber came in towards morning and stood close to the royal couch. The Empress woke up and when she looked at him he said, “I have come to report that the Turks are upon us.” When he further told her that they had already reached what was called George’s fort, she motioned to him with her hand to be silent so as not to wake the Emperor. He had however heard all that was said, but remained for some time in the same position and unmoved, and when the sun rose he betook himself to his usual occupations, though his mind was completely absorbed by this man’s warning. Before the third hour had passed another messenger came to say that the barbarians were already quite near. The Empress was still with the Emperor and though naturally frightened yet she awaited his decision.

    When their Majesties were hurrying to their lunch, yet another came, all blood-stained, and bowing himself to the ground at the Emperor’s feet he swore on oath that the danger was imminent, for the barbarians were already at his heels. Then the Emperor immediately gave the Empress permission to return to Byzantium, and she was dismayed but hid her fear in her inmost heart and did not shew it either by word or manner. For she was courageous and steady-minded, like the woman sung of by Solomon in the Proverbs, and shewed no feminine cowardice such as we see so many women generally give way to directly they hear any terrible news. And even the colour of their face proves the cowardice of their soul and often too they utter shrill screams as if the danger threatened them closely.

    Read More about Victory over the Turks part 22


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