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Tag: Victory over the Turks

Victory over the Turks – The Orphanage: Heresy of the Bogomils : Last Illness and Death of Alexius (1116-18)
I The doings of the Emperor in Philippopolis and with regard to the Manichaeans were such as I have related; after that a fresh potion of troubles was brewed for him by the barbarians. For the Sultan Soliman was planning to devastate Asia again and assembled his forces from Chorosan and Chalep to see whether he might possibly be able to resist the Emperor successfully. As the whole of the Sultan Soliman’s plan had already been reported to the Emperor, he contemplated advancing as far as Iconium. with his army and there forcing him into a closely contested battle. For that town formed the boundaries of the Sultanicium of Clitziasthlan.

Victory over the Turks – Therefore he solicited troops from foreign countries, and a large mercenary force, and called up his own army from all sides. Then, whilst these two generals were making preparations against each other, the old trouble in his feet attacked the Emperor. And forces kept coming in from all quarters, but only in driblets, not all together, because their countries were so far away, and the pain prevented the Emperor not merely from carrying out his projected plan, but even from walking at all. And he was vexed at being confined to his couch not so much because of the excessive pain in his feet, but by reason of the postponement of his expedition against the barbarians.

The barbarian Clitziasthlan was well aware of this and consequently despoiled the whole of Asia at his leisure during this interval and made seven onslaughts upon the Christians. Never before had the Emperor suffered so severely from that pain; for before this it had only come on him at long intervals but now it did not come periodically but was continuous and the irritation unending. Now Clitziasthlan’s followers thought that this suffering was only a pretence at illness, not really an illness, and that hesitation and indolence were disguised under the cloak of gout; and therefore often joked about it when drunk or drinking, and as natural orators the barbarians wove moral talks about the Emperor’s sufferings in his feet, and the trouble in his feet became the subject of comedies.

Victory over the Turks part 21

And if anyone died, the same procedure took place, and the Emperor would be at the side of the dying man, and the priests...

Victory over the Turks part 20

On this occasion the vessel of light could be seen as the begetter of darkness and obscurity. But he could still see a little...

Victory over the Turks part 19

He had indeed sent scouts ahead to look round and see whether any enemies had come out foraging. The scouts met Masut already approaching...

Victory over the Turks part 18

Sultan’s bastard brotherOn the morrow the Emperor again interviewed the Sultan called Saisan and after completing the treaty with him in the usual manner,...

Victory over the Turks part 17

Turks in AsiaLater he halted in a suitable spot and with all his kin and a goodly number of soldiers on either side he...

Victory over the Turks part 16

Romans acting on the Emperor’s adviceOn hearing this the Emperor formed the army into two divisions and ordered one half to keep watch inside...

Victory over the Turks part 15

VI When Nicephorus saw that the battle had become a hand-to-hand contest, he dreaded a defeat and therefore wheeled round with all his troops...

Victory over the Turks part 14

When day dawned Monolycus with the same intention ordered the Turks to do the same as before. In the meantime Clitziasthlan, the Sultan, arrived,...

Victory over the Turks part 13

V As he proceeded further, the barbarians did not shew themselves, but Monolycus followed him and lay in wait for the army with a...

Victory over the Turks part 12

As Lebunes could see no path which was not held by a number of Turks, he threw himself recklessly into the midst of them,...

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