The Story of an Heir part 2
This makes me often think on a story I have heard of two friends, which I shall give my reader at large, under feigned...
The Story of an Heir part 1
Joseph Addison (1672-1719)Born in Wiltshire in 1672, of a respected and cultured family, Joseph Addison went to Oxford, and began his literary life by...
The Shipwreck of Simonides 2
A lerned man has always a fund of riches in himself.Simonides, who wrote such excellent lyric poems, the more easily to support his poverty,...
The Prodigal Son 2
Music and danceNow his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and...
The Jewish Mother 2
The literature of the New Testament (which was written in late Greek) is difficult to classify. It is Jewish, of course, but permeated by...
The History of Susanna 1
The History of Susanna (From The Apocrypha)Susanna was originally a part of the Book of Daniel, but was set apart as apocryphal, because it...
The Dream 1
Apuleius (Born ca. 125 A.D.)Lucius Apuleius, author of The Golden Ass, was born and educated in northern Africa. He practised law, was an indefatigable...
The Book of Ruth 1
The Book of Ruth (From the Old Testament)Into the extremely complicated questions of authorship, origin and development of the Old Testament it is not...
Orpheus and Eurydice 2
Bloodless spiritsAs he spoke and touched the strings of his lyre, the bloodless spirits wept. Tantalus no longer caught at the retreating water; the...
The Robbers of Egypt 2
The text below has been copied from; For the rest of the story you can visit link The Robbers of Egypt.Goddess kissBut she,...